
Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am a self-confessed nerd and fan of all things digital. I’m fascinated by what makes people and organisations tick. By day I work at the intersection of people and technology to improve how people work. By night I study psychology and indulge in my various nerd hobbies.

Since 2009 I have been working with individuals and teams to understand and enhance the way they work, through process improvement and technology I am an experienced and innovative digital workplace professional and Microsoft MVP with a focus on user experience, employee engagement and change management.

I was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award in 2019 for Office Apps and Services. I’m active in the digital workplace, product management and user experience communities as a volunteer, event organiser, speaker and blogger. I enjoy learning and sharing with other passionate community members.

As a side-gig I’m a sketchnoter, graphic recorder an illustrator and I enjoys incorporating my visual skills into my day-job.

If you would like to get in touch with me check out the contact page.